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The nurse and nurse assistant maintains a careful watch on the health of the students in the school. In addition to working with the students who become ill or hurt, they help teachers as the resource people in health education. The nurse and assistant are interested and assist in the SNAP program (see cafeteria). In addition, the nurse and assistant serve on the Support Staff and assist in the diagnosis and referral of students who need special assistance and care.

A school nurse or assistant is available at the school on a daily basis. Policies, which apply to health, immunization and medications are:

  1. Parents or guardians will be contacted immediately when a child needs to be sent home.
  2. Work and home phone numbers MUST be correct so immediate contact can be made.
  3. An emergency number must be provided in addition to the work and home numbers. This can be a relative, neighbor, friend or someone who can provide the school with information or assistance if the parent or guardian is not available.

*If emergency care is needed and a parent or guardian cannot be reached, the school will call 911. Parents will be responsible for any expenses incurred if a student has to be transported by ambulance.


New Mexico State Law requires parents or guardians to provide the school with a current immunization records. All students enrolling in the Albuquerque Public Schools for the first time; in kindergarten or first grade must be immunized against:

Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (DPT) Polio Rubella (If the child has not had the disease)

The school nurse or health assistant will provide any additional immunization information. Children will not be allowed to attend school if immunizations are not current.


  1. No school employee other than the school nurse or nursing assistant is permitted to administer medication.
  2. Medications are to be given at school only when absolutely necessary.
  3. The physician must submit in writing his/her exact recommendations that must include:
    1. Name of drug
    2. Dosage of drug
    3. Schedule of administrator
  4. Students may be allowed to assume responsibility for taking their own medication provided the presenting physician and the parent or guardian recommends it in writing.
  5. The nurse or assistant must be aware of all students who are taking medication at school.

Contact Information

  • Alice Alaniz
  • Ivy Holmes
  • Jessica Martinez
    Health Assistant