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Welcome to the Library


The library teacher maintains a program, which is designed and operated as a supplemental resource center available to all students. Visits will be scheduled on a regular basis but the facility will be available at other pre-scheduled times for use by both students and teachers. Students are allowed and encouraged to check out library books. We ask parents to work with us at school in developing student responsibility for returning books on time. A loss at any time is difficult to absorb, but it is becoming increasingly so as the funding becomes less and the costs become greater. Lost books must be paid for before students check out more books. If you are going to move, please return all books to the school.

  • The number of books checked out depends on their grade level. Books are checked out for one week and may be renewed as necessary.
  • Kindergarten- When the classroom or librarian feels the student is ready to take on the responsibility of checking out 1 book.
  • Grades 1st-5th – 3 book per student

**Note: All library books need to be turned in by the end of the year. If the library book cannot be found, the book needs to be paid for in full prior to receiving your child’s’ last report card.

Important Links


For access to online resources visit ClassLink from anywhere. Enter your APS school ID and password.

Online Resources

See your librarian for database usernames and passwords.
